July 26, 2007 10 a.m.
100 1000th
Ave., Cornland, IL
is located 15 miles northeast of Springfield, IL on State Rt. 54)
Combine, S#306640, 23.1-26" tires, 2671 hrs.; JD 215 flex platform
S#329425, poly, bolt on sections; (2) JD 444 corn heads (one high
one low tin);
Tractor, S#U008828, 4685 hrs., (2nd Owner) new Titan
20.8-38 radials inside, u-bolt duals, 11:00 15 fronts (This tractor
was purchased new by a neighbor-has been overhauled-has good
paint-is mechanically solid); IH 1086 tractor S#U052263, 7145 hrs,
18.4-38" tires; JD 4010 Tractor, diesel, S#50851, 9700 hrs., 1
outlet, 15.5-38" tires, syncro range;
TRUCK & WAGONS: IH 1700 grain truck, 13' bed, 5/2 trans.;
KB 350 gravity flow on JD 1065 gear; M & W 250 bu. gravity flow
wagon; (2) Parker 130 bu gravity flow wagon;
TILLAGE: 22 ½' IH 4600
Field Cultivator, 3 bar coil tine harrow; DMI Coulter Champ disk
chisel, 9-3" twisted shanks, single row straight blade disks; 21' IH 480 disk; IH
#37 disk; IH 8-36" rigid & 4-36" row crop
PLANTER: C/IH 900, 8-36"
planter, insecticide, Early Riser Monitor; McCormick grain drill on
gallon R & H 3 point sprayer, 24' booms; 1200 gallon round poly tank
(just water); 500 gallon stainless steel transfer tank on sprayer
Cadet 84 mower; 3 point bale mover; Massey 238, 7' sickle bar mower;
(3) round bale rings; plastic bottom bunk feeders; Batchtold weed
mower; potato plow;
welder; portable air compressor; Hardy electric power washer; JD
moisture tester; hitch pins; misc. ½" sockets; pipe wrenches; hand
wrenches; boost start battery charger; misc. hand tools;
Harvester type LA 1 ½ hp engine;
947-2305 (home) (217) 622-3025 (cell)
After the Cherry Auction Gary
Bobell (217) 792-5293 will sell a Bestway 1000 gallon
sprayer, 60' hydraulic fold booms, foamer, pto pump; 27' IH field
cultivator w/Fuerst harrow; 1000 gallon poly tank, water only;
Mike Maske
Auction Service
119 South
Lafayette St, Mt. Pulaski, IL
519-3959 Ill. Lic. # 040000157
TERMS: Cash or approved
check payable on the day of the Auction. Not responsible for
accidents or property after sold, All items must be removed from the
site within one week of the Auction.
Location: The
White Auction
501 S. Kickapoo St.,
Lincoln, IL
Saturday, July
28, 2007 10:00 a.m.
COLLECTIBLES: Brown Sleepy Eye pitcher; wide variety of
pitchers; hand pieced quilts; crocheted bedspread; wide
selection of milk glass -- hobnail & Westmoreland; advertising
items; lamps - gas college lamp, hardware, kerosene;
graniteware; kitchen utensils; pickle jars; all sizes rolling
pins; linens; Guardian service; porc. pin cushion heads; Fiesta
ware; mantel clocks -- Seth Thomas (elect.), Herschede, Gilbert;
amethyst glass; pictures/frames; shoes; ice cream scoops; Good
Housekeeping porc. figurines; Wades; crocks -- 5 gal. Red Wing,
many sizes; jugs; 11.5" crock lid; Beatrix Potter & Bunnykins
children's dishes; buttons; epergne; Liberty Milk co. blue glass
bottle; Morton pottery vases; Bavarian, German, Nippon plates,
bowls, dishes; pressed glass; wide variety of chickens -- all
kinds/shapes; cookbooks; depression glass; Roseville; owl
collection; Goebel ladies figs; salts; bottles; pie birds; shelf
clocks; Daisy churn; sad iron w/handles/trivets;
creamers/sugars; carnival glass; cookie cutters; ornate metal
shelf clock; wooden wall phone -- complete; Broadwell-plate/mug/cup/pitcher;
beer steins -- 1 music box; hand corn sheller; scales; barrel
cart; egg baskets/crates; cast iron
skillets/cookers/pans/muffins/oval kettle; wooden planes; match
holders; apple peeler; flower sun screen; draw knives; beer
signs; canes; kraut cutter; crimper; license plates; cream
separator; chamber pot; hand saws; wooden cheese boxes; dinner
bell; cultivator; nail kegs; glass top canning jars; copper
MISC.: Oak china cabinet w/curved glass; wide variety of
washstands -- finished/unfinished; 4 cedar chests; copper lined
smoke stand; maple 3 dr. chest w/brass hdwe; maple dressing
table chair; marble base table; rockers -- oak w/uph. Seat/caned
seat/folding/mission style; oak sheet music cabinet; 4 pc.
barrister cabinet; oak chest w/hatbox; oak table; short & long
church pews; school desks; oak parlor table; porcelain sink top;
wide variety of straight chairs and rockers; drop leaf table; 5
leg table base; ice cream table/chairs; child's ice cream table;
wooden dining tables; treadle sewing machine/several bases;
porch swings; metal baby bed; baby carriage; high chair; 4 pc.
white wicker; kitchen cabinets; lg. mirror; piano stool; kitchen
cupboard w/porc. pull out; oak desk; oak head/foot board; oak
ice box; tiger maple armoire.
AUCTIONEER NOTE: Paul and Phyllis have been enjoying and
collecting antiques for many years. They have a keen eye for
quality and have a wonderful collection, but are downsizing for
an upcoming move.
There will be many more items than we can list here.
Phyllis and
Paul Muchow, Owners
Lunch will be
Terms: Cash on
day of sale with photo ID. Not responsible for accidents or for
items after
they are sold. Announcements on day of sale take precedence
over printed material.
White Auction
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Ill. License numbers: 440000381 & 041000185
1923 2250th Ave.,
Beason, IL 62512
Phone: 217-447-3555 or Cell: 217-737-8984
Send a link to a friend
Location: The White Auction
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Saturday August 11, 2007 10:00 a.m.
Toyota Camry, good tires, good condition.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: Guitar case & guitar; cookie jars; pottery;
crystal; silverware/chest; hankies; linens; banks; vases; Fisher Price
toys; JD tractor; hot wheels; games; cast iron toy cart/horses;
cookbooks; pictures; milk can w/tractor seat; candy/gumball machines;
pictures/frames; lamps; figurines; kitchen utensils; st. razor/strap;
anvil; postcards; salts; Coke calendar/trays; Hull pitcher; plates; Hall
teapot & mixing bowls; depression glass; Lefton china; man's LH golf
clubs w/bag; metal Coke case w/bottles; serving dishes; milk glass.
FURNITURE: Smoking stand; wainscoting corner cabinet; sm. hutch;
drop leaf dining table w/2 chairs; dining table w/2 leaves/4 chairs;
queen size hide-a-bed couch; recliners – 1 w/heat/vibrate; 6 dr. & 3 dr.
chest; hospital bed rails; night stand; vanity w/mirror/bench; dbl. bed
frame; bunk frames w/springs; NEW: white medicine cabinet w/lights,
white bathroom cabinet, 2 sets sm. louvered doors, Norvell light
fixtures, towel hanger.
HOUSEHOLD GOODS & MISC.: 50 Metal school desks; many household
items; kitchen ware & small appliances; wall décor; .
AUCTIONEERS NOTE: There will be many more items than are listed.
will be served.
White Auction
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Ill. License numbers: 440000381 & 041000185
1923 2250th Ave.,
Beason, IL 62512
Phone: 217-447-3555 or Cell: 217-737-8984
Send a link to a friend