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[July 30, 2007]  (AP) Powerful storms Monday could bring damaging winds to the East and floods to parts of the South and West.

The same high winds that downed trees and power lines in the central Appalachians and mid-Atlantic coast could strike again.

Eastern Texas will receive the most Southern precipitation, with possible high water.

The Rockies and Intermountain region also face possible flooding. The Four Corners will have the widest thunderstorms and greatest risk of flash floods. Storms will also hit parts of Idaho and Montana.

Temperatures east of the Northern Rockies will hit the 90s, with possible triple digits in the hottest locations. The West can expect fog, though it should burn off by the afternoon on the West Coast.

Temperatures in the lower 48 states Sunday ranged from a low of 39 degrees at Leadville, Colo. to a high of 122 degrees at Death Valley, Calif.


On the Net:

Weather Underground:

National Weather Service:


[Associated Press article from Weather Underground]

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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