For a time, she became so emotional whenever she passed the slaughterhouse that she drove to a UPS store in a neighboring town rather than the one next to the plant. An artist who used to teach at Northern University Illinois in town, Kiefer-Bell said she grew to love horses as a child on her family's North Dakota farm.
She sees a difference between horses and the cows, cattle and chickens raised specifically as livestock. Good homes could be found for many of the animals bought at auction by Cavel, she said.
"These are magnificent animals that love and trust," she said.
Meanwhile, groups that have lobbied for bans on horse slaughterhouses, such as The Humane Society of the United States, say the nation has no tradition of killing horses for meat and shouldn't be doing so to satisfy foreign consumers.
They argue that horses' skittish nature makes the way they are stunned and killed inhumane. They also object to what they described as overly
crowded trucks used to transport them to Cavel.
When the Texas plants were still open, about 88,000 horses were slaughtered in 2006, said Steve Cohen, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Agriculture. About 33 million cows and 100 million pigs are slaughtered every year in the United States, he said.
Cavel employs about 55 workers in DeKalb, has a $2 million annual payroll and generates about $30 million in foreign trade revenue, Tucker said.
Those who believe horse slaughterhouses should be legal say they pay $300 to $500 for horses that are older, neglected, retired or otherwise marginalized. Without the slaughterhouse, they say, there would be more cases of neglected or abandoned horses because some owners won't pay the cost to have them euthanized.
The average cost of euthanasia and disposal is $225, according to the Society for Animal Protective Legislation, which opposes the slaughterhouse.
Tucker said he understands that some people have a very emotional bond with horses, but he believes a vocal minority is pushing for a ban. He said the company follows federal regulations for moving and killing the animals.
"We're a great agricultural country. Here we have a resource we can turn into food to feed people," he said. "It's a valid recycling of that resource."
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