Q: What happens to people who enter the country illegally in the future?
A: Along with deportation, illegal immigrants could face fines for the first offense to 20 years in detention for repeated offenses.
Q: Would the Senate proposal punish people who give water to someone entering the country illegally?
A: No. The bill says providing emergency humanitarian assistance, including emergency medical care and food or taking an illegal immigrant to a place to get help without compensation, is not aiding and abetting illegal entry.
Q: Does the Senate plan have a new temporary worker program?
A: Yes. Foreigners who want to work in the U.S. would be able to apply for temporary worker visas. About 200,000 two-year "Y" visas would be available annually. The number of visas would rise or fall based on job availability. The visa could be renewed up to two more times, but the worker would have to home for a year between renewals.
Q: Can temporary workers in the new program earn legal permanent residency?
A: No. After a maximum of six years of work, with one-year breaks every two years, temporary workers would have to return home permanently. They could apply to become legal residents while in their home country. But they would have to be considered for a visa under a new system that awarded points based on education, job skills, market needs, English proficiency and family ties.
Q: What about agriculture workers?
A: The bill would create a five-year pilot program under which as many as 1.5 million illegal farm workers could acquire legal status through new "Z-A" visas. To qualify, they have to have worked at least 150 days in U.S. agriculture within the two years ending Dec. 31, 2006. They then would have at least 150 more days over three years or 100 days over five years to be eligible for legal permanent residency.
Q: What about family members who have applied to enter the country legally?
A: Lawmakers say they will speed up the awarding of visas and green cards to family members of U.S. citizens who applied by May 1, 2005. The Homeland Security Department estimates it will take the government eight years to process that backlog of applicants. Anyone who applied after that date falls out of the line. They can try to get visas through the new "point" system.
Q: How does this affect people who want to apply for visas to join family in the U.S. in the future?
A: The Senate bill would limit green cards for parents of U.S. citizens; the cards now are unlimited. In addition, after about eight years, when a backlog of applications for visas is cleared, siblings and adult children of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents no longer would be eligible for visas solely because of their family ties. They would have to apply through the point system that gives preference to education and job skills.
Q: Does the Senate proposal make English the official language of the U.S.?
A: No. It would recognize English as the common language of the United States. An amendment could be offered to try to make English the national language.
Q: How much would all this cost?
A: The costs and benefits roughly offset each other on the government's books. The Congressional Budget Office estimates the immigration overhaul would cost the government up to $77 billion over the next 10 years. The biggest single cost would be refundable tax credits for low-income workers who formerly had illegal status. The budget office also estimates the proposed changes in immigration laws will produce an added $70 billion to $75 billion in government revenues over the next decade.
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