Wednesday, November 07, 2007
sponsored by Illini Bank

Sen. Bomke Announces Increases in Funding for Logan County Schools

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[November 07, 2007]  SPRINGFIELD -- State Sen. Larry Bomke, R-Springfield, announced that Logan County schools in the 50th Senate District will be receiving over a half a million dollars in increased school funding as a result of the General Assembly’s action Friday. Although the state budget was approved in August, the legal language needed to pay school districts had been tied up in the ongoing disputes between the governor, the House speaker and the Senate president.

An agreement was reached last week that provided the legal language to release the increase in funds to the schools. Bomke said the figures he is releasing are the best currently available estimates, as provided by the State Board of Education. Final figures could vary slightly, in part because figures for local property tax receipts may not yet be final.

This year, schools will receive $400 more per pupil in the state aid’s foundation level -- an increase from $5,334 per student to $5,734. In addition, Bomke said the state budget provides 100 percent funding of "mandated categorical" grants, such as special education, transportation and lunch reimbursement for low-income students.

The list below is the estimated amount of increased funding for Logan County school districts.

[Text from file sent on behalf of Sen. Larry Bomke by Illinois Senate Republican staff]


Estimated FY08
state funding

Estimated school funding increase*

Lincoln Community High School District 404

$2.797 million

$ 160,929

Lincoln Elementary District 27

$5.152 million

$ 380,849

New Holland-Middletown District 88


$   11,225

Safe Schools Program for Logan-Mason-Menard


$     7,656


$8.630 million

$ 560,659

*Estimate based on Illinois State Board of Education numbers, which are based upon average daily attendance and property tax numbers, some of which may not be final.

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