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[October 02, 2007]  (AP) Severe thunderstorms were forecast to batter the nation's midsection Tuesday, bringing large hail and possibly tornadoes to the central and southern Plains, the Mississippi Valley, and the upper Midwest.

Most of the East was expected to remain dry, although sprinkles or light showers were possible in the Northeast. Farther south, low pressure over the northwestern Bahamas was likely to cause showers and thunderstorms from the Florida Peninsula northward to coastal Carolina.

Light rain and high elevation snow was expected to continue in the central and southern Rockies. Tropical system Juliette off Baja California was drawing additional Pacific moisture across the Southwest and could lead to scattered showers and thunderstorms.

Another Pacific front was expected to produce widespread rain and mountain snow from the Pacific Northwest to the northern Rockies.

Temperatures in the lower 48 states Monday ranged from a low of 20 degrees at Gunnison, Colo., to a high of 99 degrees at Death Valley, Calif.


On the Net:

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National Weather Service:


[Associated Press article from Weather Underground]

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