"Time to Talk" takes place tonight (Monday) at 8 at the Lincoln
College Johnston Center. A presentation will be given by Vicki
Crompton Tetter, who lost her daughter to an abusive boyfriend n
1986. Since Jenny’s death, Vicki has been active in educating teens,
parents and counselors on the problem of teen dating violence. She
has appeared on national TV: "Oprah Winfrey Show," "Today Show," "60
Minutes II" and MSNBC, among others. She is the co-author of the
book "Saving Beauty From the Beast: A Guide for Parents and Teens"
and has authored several magazine articles.
The presentation is brought to you by the Lincoln College Office
of Health Services and sponsored by the Lincoln College Counseling
Office and the Domestic Abuse and Violence Task Force of the Healthy
Communities Partnership.
[A public service announcement
from LDN]