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A super cat, free advice and festival kudos hit the Close Up

By Mike Fak

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[August 23, 2008]  Cats need homes too

Now I know this picture and story should be on the adopt-a-pet page but I have been receiving heavy criticism of all the dog pictures we have been running for the Humane Society. Of course all those pooches would make great pets but the cat lovers out there and my own cat, Jackson, say they want a little equal time. I agree and so may I introduce all of you to Stripes. Stripes is an adult, neutered male and he is definitely a people person cat! He loves being around people and enjoys hanging around and appreciates a good lap and scratch as much as anyone. If you would like to meet him or be a foster parent to someone like Stripes, please call the Humane Society of Logan County at 737-4042.


Zilch, zero, nothing, goose egg, naught, nil, nix, none

We hope you get the idea. That is what the Lincoln Daily News charges to get the word out on your projects, fundraisers or organizational activities. You don't have to be a registered non-profit with us. If you and your group are doing something to inform, help, or enhance this community, we offer you our Community Calendar for free.

We don't mean for X numbers of days. We mean free every day.

We don't mean you get a discounted rate. We mean free.

We hope you get the picture. The LDN is dedicated to spreading community news and thanks to all the great sponsors of our publication we do. Don't ignore 9000 readers per issue when spreading the word on your organization. And it is 100% free.

The Art and Balloon Fest is an army of volunteers.

We think this is an appropriate time to thank everyone who is involved with the running of one of Lincoln's signature events. It is a year round effort to get everything ready and in order so that we can enjoy a weekend of activities all over town. Everyone who works at the Chamber of Commerce, with the Chamber or just volunteers for that weekend deserves our thanks and praise. So do something nice this weekend. When you are out and about enjoying the moment stop one or several of the many volunteers and tell them thanks.

[to top of second column]

It takes funds to run this festival

Nothing of the magnitude of our Art and Balloon Festival comes without heavy costs and every year this community has to rely on the generous donations of so many organizations and individuals to allow the festival to continue to be the success that it is. In Thursday's Top Stories, the LDN was pleased to list all the sponsors of this year's event and we have included them in our Balloon Fest section of the paper for the remainder of the weekend. We also want to thank our sponsors also listed in the section since without their help we couldn't give you the kind of coverage you have come to expect from the LDN.

If you are from town, out of town or above the town

No matter where you are or where you are from, The Balloon Fest section of the LDN is the place to stop frequently to check what is going on. There are schedules of events, times and locations and everything else about the art and balloon fest. You don't need to worry where you left your brochure. You don't need to call a friend who doesn't know what's going on either. Just stop by the LDN section and keep yourselves in the know at any given time of the weekend.

Got a good piece of news, information or something that we can all brag about? If you do, e-mail Mike and let us tell everyone about it. Plus you can win cash. Every submission, whether we use it or not, will get your name in the "Close Up" grab bag. At the end of the month we will draw a name and someone will get $25.00 just for dropping us an e-mail. If you wish, we will be happy to donate your winnings to the organization of your choice. You can contact Mike at


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