But there is an entirely different group of students out there with
an alternative concept. They are preparing themselves for higher
learning, and for some, preparing themselves for a better life.
This new wave of education is happening right here in our area on
the Lincoln Christian College and Seminary campus. LCCS has been
offering a degree-completion program called LincUp, which is geared
toward nontraditional students, since 2001.
According to Deb Siltman, director of student services for LincUp,
there are about 150 nontraditional students enrolled every semester
at LCCS.

Nontraditional students generally already work a full-time job,
or are busy during the day raising their young children, and are
looking to further their education, giving them greater opportunity
to better the career they may already have, or to better prepare
themselves once they get back into the work force. For many of these
enrollees with already hectic lives, the traditional daytime college
classes are just not an option for them. But they are still yearning
for a change. For those needing flexibility, the LincUp classes
cannot be beat.
For students beginning this fall, there are Thursday night
classes and Saturday classes to choose from. The Thursday night
classes are once a week for 3.5 hours each. The Saturday classes are
every other Saturday for eight hours each.
For students past the initial startup courses, Monday night
classes are offered as well. They are also 3.5 hours long and take
place just once a week.
The LincUp staff busily works one-on-one with each student
regarding past transcripts, credit transfers and financial aspects.
Knowing that jumping back into the school process after years of
being away can be a bit frightening for some, the LincUp staff makes
themselves readily available to answer any questions and take care
of any concerns a student may have.

Rachel Mollet, a former LCHS graduate who now resides in Pana
with her husband and two daughters, ages 4 and 2, has been a student
of LincUp since January 2007. With an expected graduation date of
May 2009, Rachel will be receiving a human services degree while
still being able to stay at home and raise her children.
When her elder daughter was just a baby, Rachel tried the
traditional full-time status at a university and found that was a
challenge in itself. "I was enrolled as a regular full-time student,
which meant I was gone almost every day taking classes, away from my
husband and young daughter, and then homework afterwards needed to
be done as well," Rachel said. "It just wasn't working." To help out
with the care of their child, Rachel's husband had to arrange his
work schedule and work longer hours, which meant less time at home
for him as well.
[to top of second column]

Not wanting to give up on her goal to finish college, she kept
searching for other ways to get this job done. When she discovered
LincUp, she finally saw a light at the end of this tunnel. "The
schedule is great and the classes are fast-paced, just once a week,"
Rachel added. "As a wife and mother of two, I just don't have the
extra time to spend in class every day."
The most beneficial part of going through this is program is
quite simple for Rachel. She'll have a big leg up in the work force
by the time her children are old enough for full-time elementary
school. Rachel will be prepared to work full time in the career that
she wants. She also plans to move on toward her master's degree in
human services at Lincoln Seminary once she finishes LincUp.
Within the program, there are three specific class studies to
choose from. The Bachelor of Arts in general ministry degree is
available for those interested in ministry in the church and
teaching religion. Those classes consist of Bible study, biblical
research and theology classes, to just name a few.

For those students wanting to focus on managing people and
resources in all different kinds of business fields, the Bachelor of
Arts in leadership and management offers just that. With a major in
leadership and management and a minor in Bible and theology, this
course of study includes classes such as Business Research, Personal
Planning and Management, Cultural Diversity, and Developing Leaders.
A human services degree is also offered for those who are
interested in graduate-level education in several human services
fields or people looking to increase their understanding of people.
As stated online at www.lccs.edu, this degree "will give you the
skills to facilitate personal change in others and the credentials
to discover expanded opportunities to impact the world."
The LincUp program has served Logan County area residents, and
some from farther away. But that opportunity will be expanded at the
start of this school year. The school has launched a new LincUp site
in Danville. For now, the Crossroads Christian Church in Danville
will be the campus for that area.

Fall classes at the Lincoln campus, located at 100 Campus View
Drive, officially begin Aug. 28. Danville courses begin Sept. 6.
For more information on registration or any questions you may
have regarding this program, call 217-732-7788, ext. 2306, or visit
www.lccs.edu/lincup, which
also has an online application for your convenience.