On Wednesday, a meeting among the three ousted parties endorsed Deputy Prime Minister Chaowarat Chandeerakul as the caretaker prime minister. Members of the three parties who were not banned from politics are expected to form new parties that will form an alliance with three smaller parties of the outgoing coalition. Chaowarat told reporters he was consulting with House Speaker Chai Chidchob to hold a parliamentary session on Dec. 8 and Dec. 9 to select a new full-time prime minister. But with the Chaowarat group's parliamentary majority intact, any new government will likely be very similar to the outgoing one, minus some key players, raising fears of renewed protests. Charnvit Kasetsiri, a historian, said the end of the airport siege has provided little more than temporary relief. "It is nothing more than an intermission. It is not over until the two sides of the political spectrum can reconcile and the prospect of that happening is very bleak," he said. The protest group wants to abandon the system of one-person, one-vote, and instead have a mixed system in which most representatives are chosen by profession and social group. It is also seeking to purge the nation of the influence of former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, accusing him and his cronies of massive corruption. Thaksin was ousted by a September 2006 military coup, but the alliance alleges that governments voted into office since then have been proxies for the exiled Thaksin. Thailand's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who turns 81 on Friday, will give his traditional birthday eve speech on Thursday, and many Thais will be looking for guidance from him on healing the rift in the society.
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