Praise God For What He Does

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[December 31, 2008]  Ephesians 5:19-20 says we are to “speak to one another with songs, hymns and spiritual songs.  Sing and make melody in your hearts to the Lord, always giving things to God the father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  We praise God for His works.

We also need to present ourselves back to God.  Romans 12 urges us, after taking a long look at the mercies of God and His forgiveness, to turn the gift around and give ourselves back to Him as living sacrifices, which is our spiritual act of worship.  In his book Created to Worship, Ken Read tells us “God’s priorities for us may surprise us a bit, depending on our church backgrounds.  Some of us grew up thinking that God was primarily interested in our behavior; that if we did the right things, the Lord would be pleased (or at least would be less angry). Some of us were taught that God was primarily interested in having us share the gospel and that His first goal was to save the world.  Still others of us grew up thinking that God’s first priority was to give us an abundant life; that He who loves us so much wants to bless us.  All of these are important to the Lord.  But let me suggest that worship is His highest, greatest, and first priority for our lives.” Let’s be living sacrifices to our great God. 

[Tim Searby - Worship Minster,
Lincoln Christian Church]

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