Lincoln Christian College and Seminary Hosts Church Leaders' Conference This Saturday

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[February 21, 2008]  The conference will emphasize the basic mission of our institution: “… to nurture and equip Christians with a Biblical worldview.” Unfortunately, many professing Christians do not know what a biblical worldview is, and they do not apply it to the way they live. The Barna Research Group says that, while 45% of Americans are “born again,” only 9% of adults and only 2% of teens actually have a “biblical worldview.” The Group also projects that at the current rate, 61% of today’s churched teenagers will not remain active in church during their twenties! Why? Barna believes a main reason is that churches are not leading their members to have a “biblical worldview.”

This year’s conference, "Developing a Worldview-Driven Church for Serious Times," is designed to address this crisis. Adults, college students, and teens are all invited to attend.


The conference will feature two extraordinary speakers and effective Christian servants including  Dr. James Emery White, an author of 14 books (most published by InterVarsity and Baker), president of "Serious Times" (a ministry that connects faith to culture), and founding and current senior pastor at Mecklenburg Community Church in Charlotte, NC (a church that started in 1992 with one family and now has over 5,000 active attenders).  He has a remarkable ability to help Christians of all ages understand their faith and engage their culture.  He will encourage, challenge, and motivate you to understand and live a biblical worldview.

Also addressing the conference is Mike Baker, senior pastor at Eastview Christian Church in Bloomington, IL, a fast-growing church with innovative ministries.  Mike has also been a popular youth speaker who has led sessions for over 150,000 at 40 Christ in Youth conferences, 15 state teen conventions, and 4 North American Christian Conventions.

The conference will also offer special sessions just for teens and youth workers and preview some presentations in The Bible & Worldview Institute, a new weekend event that is being developed for local churches.  Short BWI previews will be given by Bob Lowery, Bob Kurka, Don Green, Robert Douglas, Brian Johnson, Brian Mills, Rondel Ramsey, and Rich Knopp.


The conference is intended to develop mentoring relationships—an opportunity for preachers, elders, Sunday school teachers, youth sponsors, parents, grandparents, and others to bring and plan to mentor a friend, a son or daughter, a grandson or granddaughter, a co-worker, a young person at church, etc.  We will even provide some follow-up discussion questions to use after the conference.

While we’d love to have entire youth groups or Sunday school classes attend, we especially want church leaders to reach out to a few people, invite them to come, bring them, and then plan to spend some follow-up time with them after the conference.

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Because of the important theme, because of the mentoring emphasis, and because we are reaching out for the first time to Christian teens, we need your help.  Here are some specific ways that you can promote this conference and help your church and others you care about develop a biblical worldview. 

  • Plan to attend yourself.  It will be a great opportunity for YOU to be fed.
  • Specifically invite and bring others with you—especially Christian teens or college age youth. (But even if you cannot come yourself, you can still be a big help.)
  • Send out an email to others and let them know about the conference.
  • Make sure that information about the conference is in your church bulletin and newsletters from now until Feb. 23.  (Specifically encourage parents to bring their teenage children.)
  • Download and print a conference poster for your church and Sunday school classes.
  • If you use a computer and video projector in your church auditorium or other places, download a PowerPoint file and copy and paste the slides in your announcements.

We are eagerly anticipating this conference and its positive effects on churches, families, and individual Christians.  And we truly appreciate your involvement in making it a great success. 

REGISTER ONLINE now to hold your spots.  Discounts are available for registering by February 15, and a reduced registration fee is being offered to young people.  Lunch will be provided at the conference.  More information and a conference schedule are available online or by contacting the Church Development Office at 217-732-3168 x2201.

[Press Release from Lincoln Christian College & Seminary]

Copyright 2008 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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