Governor's Statement on Mass Transit Committee Vote

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[January 17, 2008]  CHICAGO -- The following statement was released Wednesday from Gov. Rod R. Blagojevich regarding the House Mass Transit Committee's 16-5 vote to accept his amendatory veto to a long-term transit funding plan:

"I want to applaud members of the House Mass Transit Committee for accepting my change to their bill so that senior citizens will have some relief from the impact of higher sales taxes. The bill lawmakers sent me was not one I supported, because of its reliance on a sales tax hike. But with the change I made, letting seniors ride public transportation for free, it's a better bill and one that will avoid massive service cuts, fare hikes and layoffs on Sunday. I urge members of the full House of Representatives and the Senate to join the Transit Committee members in voting 'yes' tomorrow."

[Text from file received from the Illinois Office of Communication and Information]

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