The current buzz is cellulosic ethanol, or ethanol made from plant matter. Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm pitched the idea Sunday of using more wood products because of the large number of forests in her state. Gov. Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania says his state "could be to cellulosic ethanol what Iowa was to corn-based ethanol." A new state law will require a minimum of a billion gallons of fuel annually pumped in Pennsylvania come from renewable fuels. Iowa Gov. Chet Culver said he welcomed the debate as a way to reduce the country's dependence on foreign oil. But he said that "you can't get to cellulosic ethanol until you do ethanol first." He pointed to the construction of a plant in Emmetsburg, Iowa, by ethanol maker Poet where the company hopes to produce cellulosic ethanol on a large scale.
"We should be thanking these Iowa farmers, these ethanol producers, these innovators, that are
-- as we speak today -- out in Iowa trying to solve that energy security challenge," Culver said. "No one believes that, long term, ethanol is going to be the silver bullet, but it is clearly one of the better options right now," he said. Pawlenty says biofuels will be a big part of the nation's energy future but the type of biofuels will evolve and change. Gov. Jon Huntsman of Utah echoed that notion when he dismissed the idea of an energy argument along the lines of to drill or not to drill for oil. "The choices increasingly are plentiful," he said on C-SPAN Sunday. "The question before policymakers really is what are the choices we have to get us from today's very hydrocarbon dependent world to one, 20, 30, 40 years from now, that will be much less hydrocarbon dependent," he said.
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