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Sale: 209 S Gillett, Elkhart. 3 bedroom plus library/study,
in ground pool and bathhouse, exceptional home decorated to
perfection. Recent--roof, HVAC, appliances, windows. See more at
www.SharonOakes.com listing #284026. Call Sharon 652-7580 or
Cal 652-6558 or email sharonoakes@remax.net for appointment to
view home. $170,000 pictures and visual tour on web Re/Max
Sale: 926 N. Kankakee, Lincoln. Affordable starter
home in need of some TLC. Two Bedrooms, full basement and
garage.Own this home for less than rent payments and build
equity in your future. Only $39,000.
Sale: 403 S. Elm, Lincoln. Remodeling has been
started, newer vinyl siding privacy fenced yard. Located on a
nice corner lot with easy access to all amenities. Three
bedrooms and central air conditioning. Only $52,000.
Sale: 103 6th St - Spacious Family Home! 4 to 5 bedrooms, 2 baths,
newer furnace & central air, newer vinyl siding, newer floor coverings –
a lovely property! Call Becky Werth 737-8920
Sale: 114 Oglesby – Price Reduction! A tastefully remodeled
home with an open floor plan, lovely kitchen, 3 to 4 bedrooms, 2 ½
baths, front & back porches. $90’s Seller’s offer $1,000 towards Buyer’s
closing costs. Call Becky Werth 737-8920