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Atlanta - 503 Alexander.* 5 bedroom
home on large lot. Spacious kitchen. 2-car detached garage
with workshop and storage. Roof '07. Deck. Appliances. Quiet
Street. State Farm vans. Move in ready! $104,900 View listing
MLS #2081174 Call 309-287-0266
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Sale: 441 Fifth St., Lincoln. Cute starter home is
well maintained and affordable too. Offers two bedrooms, updated
kitchen, detached garage and convenient location. Why pay rent
when you can own this home for less? $42,500
Sale: 805 S. Kickapoo, Lincoln. Larger than it
appears, this two bedroom home has a convenient floor plan and
bonus rooms for additinal space. Central air conditioning, Nice
two car detached garage and all for only $44,000
Sale: 725 Decatur Street Beautiful all brick ranch with new
kitchen, solid oak cabinetry. Newer carpet throughout. Interior newly
painted. Two and 1/2 baths. All new windows, doors, roof in 2006.
Exquisite landscaping, new wood fencing, 12X16 storage shed.
Sale: 414 Seventh Street. Large house with spacious yard.
Make this one a must see. Appliances negotiable! Newer sewer and
water lines. Lifetime warranty on the windows and front door.
Swimming pool in the back yard ready for the summer!

For Sale: 2348 Railsplitter Avenue. Gorgeous Condo.
Association dues covers outside maintenance, pond maintenance, trash
removal, snow removal, and termite inspection. Very new and freshly
painted. Solid oak doors & kitchen cabinets. Pond at back door.
Maintenance free deck. A vacation spot-Many amenities here.

1007 N
Jefferson -Quality Constructed Ranch! You’ll find formal dining, 1 ˝ baths,
hardwood floors, extra tall basement for expansion and a fabulous 2 car
garage w/ 8’ doors & 10’ sidewalls. So much potential here!!
Sale: 1727 Delavan - This home has been transformed.
Lovely interio – new kitchen w/ ceramic tile & new appliances, new bath
w/ ceramic surround, new furnace & central air plus more, more, more!
$60’s Becky Werth 737-8920