The park gives our energetic youth another fun thing to do and a
safe place to go.While many interested people worked long and
hard to bring this project to fruition, the official ribbon-cutting
on Friday represented much more. It was a genuine tribute to one
family's ability to overcome devastating personal losses and bring
our community together to do something great.
Following the official activities, Marilyn Tapper sat on one of
the new park benches, smiled and reflected on a journey that took
several years to see just that event happen.
The idea of the skateboard park for area youngsters came out of
the most tragic of circumstances. Marilyn's son Cash died at the age
of 14 in February of 2003. "Cash loved anything on wheels:
skateboarding, dirt bikes, rollerblades -- he enjoyed it all,"
Marilyn explained.

Cash's older brother, Matt, thought that a fitting memorial for
his younger brother would be to have a skateboarding park built in
his honor. His family agreed, with Marilyn remarking how even at so
young an age, Cash was a "humanitarian."
"He always hoped that a park for skateboarding would someday be
built -- something for all the kids here in Lincoln," Marilyn said.
Marilyn approached Roy Logan, program coordinator of the Lincoln
Park District, about the idea and was pleased when Logan met the
idea with a great deal of enthusiasm. Logan helped start up a fund
for the park, and for several years money was collected and saved to
purchase the necessary equipment.

When Marilyn's husband, Alan, died two years ago, the family felt
that this park could be a memorial to him as well.
Marilyn remarked how the project then went from drawing board and
wish list to reality. A skate park committee was formed and things
began to "roll" quickly.
[to top of second column] |

"We received huge community support," she said. "The kids helped
raise money. The National Honor Society at the Lincoln High School
became involved. The IGA, the Eagles, the American Legion all gave
us support. The Lincoln Elks, the Wal-Mart Foundation and the
Lincoln Odd Fellows, Rebekah Lodge, all gave huge donations."
To stress the point that this was a total community project,
Marilyn mentioned that "children emptied their piggy banks to
contribute to this day happening."
She talked about how area youngsters now had a place to come and
skate or just hang out and visit without any dangers of traffic or
banging into pedestrians.
Thanks to the park district's help, there is plenty of land for

As the sound of skates and an occasional mishap sounded in the
background, Marilyn Tapper softly smiled. "This is a good, happy
story," she said. "This park is a great reflection on this
It is also a wonderful memorial to Cash and the efforts of his
father, Alan. One can't help but feel that the father and son must
be very proud of their family and community right now.
