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An editorial we would love to write about the Lincoln/Logan Food Pantry drive

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[November 19, 2008]  As the weekend nears for the second annual drive for the Lincoln/Logan County Food Pantry, the initial reports are already amazing.

Groups, churches, civic clubs and individuals all are saying they will become involved this weekend to help fill the shelves and the bank account of our local pantry.

Again, we cannot be prouder of this community and all who live here, and we ask each and every one of you to make a concerted effort to join in this community project.

LDN has been carrying stories of just some of the great organizations that are contributing, and if you or your organization is doing something special, please let us know.

We want to be required this weekend to write an editorial saying that due to the generosity of this community, the food pantry was required to store food at another location because the volunteers couldn't fit it all into their storage facility.

We can all make this happen. It won't even be a hard task to accomplish. All each of us has to do is help a little with either a small cash donation or a bag or two of groceries, and the numbers will be there.

To help make this easier yet, the IGA will have prepackaged grocery bags, so all you have to do is pick out one or two, and the food pantry will have more stock thanks to you.

The weather forecast looks great, so make a note to yourself to spend a moment helping your neighbors.

Let's make this a Thanksgiving holiday that everyone in our community can celebrate with thanks. Let's fill the shelves for the rest of the year.


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