McCain, a former Vietnam prisoner of war, also sloughed off Obama's endorsement by one of the country's best known black Republicans and former military leaders, Colin Powell, who was President Bush's first secretary of state. Appearing on NBC's "Meet the Press," Powell expressed personal affection for McCain but chided his friend of 25 years for the type of campaign he has run against Obama, who is black. McCain said: "I've always admired and respected Gen. Powell," before noting his endorsement by four other former secretaries of state. Asked whether Powell's endorsement undercut McCain's stance that Obama, a freshman senator from Illinois, is not ready to lead, McCain said of Powell: "We have a respectful disagreement." On other topics, McCain: Distinguished between anti-Obama automated calls he is making in battleground states and similar calls made against him by George W. Bush during the 2000 Republican primary in South Carolina. Those calls suggested McCain was mentally unstable and had fathered a black daughter out of wedlock. The senator had adopted an orphan from Bangladesh. Defended his selection of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as his running mate and cast her in a fresh ideological role. McCain also held a conference call with Jewish leaders and was endorsed by The Columbus Dispatch.
___ On the Net: McCain: http://www.johnmccain.com/ Obama: http://www.barackobama.com/
McCain is now employing someone who made those calls against him to highlight Obama's association with a Vietnam War radical.
"These are legitimate and truthful, and they are far different than the phone calls that were made about my family," McCain said.
"She is a direct counterpoint to the liberal feminist agenda for America," he said.
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