October 2008

Dear Friends,

 With church, kids, grandkids, and the restaurant, we stay extremely busy during the holidays.  But we are never too busy to remember those special friends and beloved family members who have blessed our lives.

All year long we treasure their laughter and loving ways by sharing stories with our family and friends.  Then every fall, we cherish their memories by giving a Light Up A Life gift that helps others in our community.  We think they would approve.

Each Light Up A Life tribute gifts you send will strengthen patient care programs right here in Logan County.  You can designate that your gift…

·        purchases medical equipment for patients at ALMH

·        provides unrestricted support for future ALMH projects

·        funds the education of future ALMH healthcare providers

·        or gives kids a brighter future through a healthier smile -- thanks to preventive dental services on the HOPE Mobile.

Each person you honor or remember is represented by a white light on the trees in front of ALMH.  Their names will also appear under your name in a special Christmas Eve insert in the Lincoln Courier.

Whether you want to begin a new tradition or continue a treasured one, we encourage your generosity ~ to remember and to give.  Together, we will add sparkle to the season that not only honors our past, but also invests in the future of local healthcare.

Warmest Wishes,


John & Frankie Guzzardo         

Lincoln, Illinois

P.S.  Remember to send your tributes in by Friday, December 5 so that those whom you honor and memorialize are included in the Christmas Eve insert.