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Real Estate Auction
Prime Farm
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Lincoln Rec
1300 Primm Road, Lincoln,
105 Acres +/- located in Section 20 Chester Township
(T.19N., R. 2 W), Logan County,
TERMS: Buyer to enter
into a written agreement on the day of the Auction requiring 10% of the
purchase price as down payment with the balance due at closing. The
individual ownership interests of Donald and Ann Gehlbach are held in
two separate trusts which will require two closings.
The closing for the Donald D. Gehlbach Trust will be on
December 19, 2008 and the Ann L. Gehlbach Trust will be on
January 9, 2009. Possession will be at
closing subject to the rights of the Gene Hassebrock, under a Crop Share
which expires the last day of February, 2009. The Tennant has been
terminated for the 2009 Crop year. The Seller
reserves the right to accept or reject all bids. The final sale price
will be determined by multiplying the final bid by 105 acres. A title
commitment policy will be issued for the exact amount of the sale price.
The Seller will pay the 2008 Real Estate Taxes due in 2009 by allowing
the Buyer a credit at closing. Copies of the Title Commitment and the
Sales Contract will be available for inspection at the attorney’s
office. All announcements made at the auction and
the terms of the sale contract supersede any other advertising or
promotion, whether oral or written.
Donald D. Gehlbach Trust
Ann L. Gehlbach Trust
Attorney for the Sellers: Michael G. Barton
Bellatti, Barton, Hamill & Cochran, LLC
944 Clock Tower Dr
Springfield, IL 62704 (217)
email: lawyers@bellatti-barton.com
Mike Maske Auction Service
119 S. Lafayette St
Mt. Pulaski, IL
Illinois Auction License 044.0000157
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Consignment Auction
Location: The White Auction House
501 S. Kickapoo St., Lincoln, IL
Saturday, November 1, 2008 10:00 a.m.
APPLIANCES: Maytag washer & dryer; portable dishwasher.
ANTIQUES & COLLECTIBLES: WWI helmet & gas mask pouch;
wicker rocker; sm. oak stand; library table; hand made tool
chest; footstool w/metal wheels; oak buffet – painted; storage
cabinet; pedestal sink; cast iron stove; Fullers adjustable
chair; parlor tables; kitchen cabinet w/porcelain top; pressed
glass; frames; Life & Saturday Evening Post magazines; oak
rocking horses; school desks; Avon collectibles-glassware &
Christmas ornaments; Ducks Unlimited “Blind Corner” by Ralph
McDonald; rope maker; apple peeler; old tools; wooden pulleys;
shucking pegs; Keystone 8mm movie projector-works; Bell & Howell
16mm projector; milk can-Snow Palmer Co., Bloomington, IL.;
Hegele Brothers milk bottle; wooden butter mold; Aimes Dairy 2
gal. cream can; saws; horse shoes; Telescope-Bushnell 16mm
Spacemaster w/teledapter & gun stock-like new; Studio camera-5x7
w/split image; spinning wheel; Lincoln street light; nail keg;
pencil phone; horse collars; portraits-Stratton/Kerner framed;
washboards; sound amps; pressed glass; golf clubs; wooden school
FURNITURE: Mahogany dining table w/4 chairs; LaZBoy
recliner; kitchen table; single bed; dbl. bed; dresser
w/mirror/chest; dresser; oak end tables;
sm. appliances; misc. pots/pans/flatware/dishes/glassware.
There will be more items by sale time.
Listing & pictures at www.auctionzip.com, #7327 &
Viewing the day before the sale from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Lunch will be served.
Terms: Cash on day of sale with photo ID. Not responsible for
accidents or for items after they are sold. Announcements on day
of sale take precedence over printed material.
White Auction Service
Auctioneers: Col. Dan White & Gary Morris
Ill. License Number 40000381 & 441000185
501 S. Kickapoo, Lincoln, IL 62656
Phone: 217-732-4718 or Cell: 217-737-8984
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