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Real Estate [see
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For Sale By Owner:
Realtors bring your clients. 23
Westminster Dr, Lincoln, 4-5 BD, 3 FB, 2 car attached garage, 2400 sft,
vaulted ceilings, hardwood, new carpet/paint, newly finished basement,
55 ft deck, $199,000, photos at joybrown.us/house, 919-924-1136 or
Send a link to a friend
SALE: 125 E Williams, Broadwell
SPACE & SO MUCH MORE!! Enjoy living in a small town in this love,
spacious 2 Bdrm home located on a huge corner lot. 30X50 garage is a
dream space for any craftsman. Newer 24X24 two story barn for storage.
All appliances stay
SALE: 67 Tremont Park
WELL MAINTAINED! Lovely 3 Bdrm mobile home with a very nice
master suite & whirlpool. Great floor plan, most appliances

Sale: 340 20th St., Lincoln
Three bedroom ranch
on corner lot. Newer kitchen cabinetry, attached garage and
newer vinyl siding. Located close to amenities. Priced at only

Sale: 185 Half Moon, Lincoln
Price just slashed by
$10,000!! Owner says sell. Three bedroom ranch with attached
garage located in great area. Lovely back yard, central air
conditioning. Needs your TLC, but a great buy at this price.
Redecorate to your tastes and build equity! $79,900
229 Welch Drive
Hosted by Doris Oltmanns
Beautiful home on beautiful corner lot. Original owner. Enclosed
breezeway between house and 3 car garage.
710 Galena Street
Hosted by Cheryl Sampson
FIRST TIME OPEN! Totally remodeled 2-3 bedroom home. A 24X36 garage.
16X24 pool with privacy fenced yard. Large deck for entertaining
Sale: 209 S Gillett, Elkhart. Three bedrooms plus
library/study, in-ground pool and bathhouse, exceptional home
decorated to perfection. Recent roof, HVAC, appliances,
windows. See more at www.SharonOakes.com, listing #284026. Call
Sharon, 652-7580, or Cal, 652-6558, or e-mail
for appointment to view home. $170,000 pictures and visual tour
on Web Re/Max Professionals.
2200th Ave, Chestnut - Just outside Chestnut, on the
Beason-Chestnut blacktop sits this charming log home on 10 acres – your
own personal ranch. You’ll also find a large machine shed / barn with
guest, 2 bedroom apartment. Property has recently been updated – inside
& out!
Clinton St, Beason - So much for so little!! You’ll enjoy an
updated kitchen & bath, 3 bedrooms plus a usable basement; You’ll find
lots of interior updating, a covered deck fenced yard on a corner lot
and much more $52,900