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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice
217 S. Hamilton, Lincoln
Filled with old time charm. Updated kitchen and bath.
Hardwood flooring, replacement windows, basement and two
car detached garage. Easy walk to shopping, churches and
schools. $59,900
856 1850th St., Lincoln
Located just five minutes from town, on approximately 1 and 1/2 acres in
West Lincoln-Broadwell School District! Three bedroom, one story
farmhouse with great country view all around. Central air conditioning
and garage. $80,000
Saturday, April 11th, 12:00-1:30.
1304 N. Ottawa
Hosted by Cheryl Sampson. Very nice, well maintained home. Newer kitchen
and bath with oak cabinetry. Newer Andersen replacement windows, fully
carpeted, nice office or den, front porch on corner lot. Detached garage
with covered patio, fenced yard, with mature trees. View this nice home
in move-in condition. All appliances stay.
102 Welch Drive
CUTE home on large corner lot! Newer kitchen cabinets, flooring &
appliances. Bath has just been updated with new vanity/sink, ceramic
tile & toilet. Relax in the whirlpool tub. "Other" room is
heated/cooled/carpeted enclosed breezeway that could be used as an all
seasons room. Within walking distance to Chester-East Lincoln School.
MOTIVATED SELLER! Listed by Stacy Bacon
Forest Hills Road
Beautiful country setting, one owner home.
Call Doris to see this
charmer today!
2200th Ave, Chestnut - Tasteful log home on 10
expansive acres has been recently updated throughout. Property also
includes a huge barn / machine shed with a 2 bedroom guest apartment –
truly your own private world! Call Connie 217-796-3356
Eaton - Quality Brick Ranch - You’ll find sparkling hardwood
floors, a newer kitchen & bath, newer Anderson windows on a tree-shaded
corner lot. This home has been lovingly maintained. Call Dale