District 27 First Annual Spelling Bee
[click on photos below to enlarge]

For an hour, the question of who would win the first District 27 spelling bee was a tossup.

Forty-one of the district's best spellers vied for the championship, with eighth-grader Michelle Miller winning by spelling the words "tapestry" and "concede." Cameron Halpin got stumped on a word a lot of us would have: "libretto." Cameron is a sixth-grader, and we look forward to watching him and all the other great spellers vie for the crown at next year's bee.

Pictures by Mike Fak


Spellers get ready to start the competition.


Classes from the district start to fill the bleachers for the competition.


With students, teachers and parents intently watching, the competition gets started.

The 41 contestants are now down to the final 10.


And then there were two. Cameron Halpin awaits his turn as Michelle Miller spells another word correctly.

Marsha Dallas awards the first-place trophy to Miller.








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