public is invited to enjoy the program, as many in the community
will be offering their talents to provide a variety of music for
this event. Music will include a piano-organ duet with Kay Dobson
and Laura Lee, a handbell duet by Verdeen Ingram and Laura Laughery,
and Matthew Goetsch will offer a trumpet piece. The choir from
Lincoln First Presbyterian Church and other community choirs will be
among the choirs participating, and a soloist from Lincoln Christian
Church will share her talent. The Chancel Choir, Adult Chime Choir
and Handbell choir of St. John UCC will be sharing selections for
the program. A love offering will be accepted during the program,
which is sponsored by the music committee of St. John UCC.
Refreshments and a social time in St. John Fellowship Hall will
follow the program.
More information is available by calling the church,
217-732-6957, or Laura Lee, chair, at 217-792-5980.
Bennett, a Lincoln native, has been hand-selected by a team of
professional judges to compete in winning the hearts and votes of
the audience in WCIC's Opening Act Contest on April 25 at Five
Points Washington in Washington, Ill.
This event will take the 12 semifinalists down to four. Those
four musicians will record a demo that will posted online at for listeners to vote for their favorite artist. After
the online voting, the winner will get to be the opening act for the
33 Miles Concert on June 5, sing the national anthem for a Peoria
Chiefs game and receive a talent review from INO Records, home of
Mercy Me.
Tickets are available now for the semifinal event in Washington
by visiting or
by contacting Five Points Washington at 309-444-8228. Tickets are $5
Gather your family and friends and come listen to the wonderful
sound of worship and cheer Lesleigh on to the finals.
You can contact her for further information at 732-2638.

Congratulations to
the Hartsburg-Emden FFA, the Lincoln FFA and the Senior Beta Club
for getting the job done last week and helping out our local food
pantry. The organizations collected food at the IGA, Kroger and the
Wal-Mart Supercenter, and as you can see, they accomplished their
goal of filling the trailer with food items. In picture, from left to
right, are Kane
Hoerbert, Hartsburg-Emden chapter sentinel; Betsy Pech, Hartsburg-Emden FFA
adviser; and food pantry volunteers Norm Newhouse and Bill Overton.
(Click on picture for larger image.)
School Honor Roll – Third Nine Weeks 2008-2009
Third grade – Tabitha Cooley, Justin Hatfield, Taylor Carter,
Mackenzie Fuchs, Ethan Goodey, Isaiah Lane
Fourth grade – Emily Bergman, Nolan Hullinger, Bryson Kirby,
Macie Rankin, Danielle D'Andrea, Christian DeVore, Erika Dzekunskas,
Laura Hurley
Fifth grade – Ryan Crawley, Holly Davis, Abigail Everson, Lanae
Laubenstein, Allison Baker, Madison Frederick, Victoria Parrott,
Maddie Phillis, Kimberly Rhoades, Jordan Wood, Breanna Waller
[to top of second column] |

Third grade – Grace Bossingham, Titus Cannon,
Adriana Doolin, Kelsey Lee, Keisha Selph, Tate Sloan, Ariana
Spencer, Jaiden Aeilts, Allena Benninger
Fourth grade – Connor Aeilts, Kaelin Butterfield,
Honna Doolin, Shelbi Fisher, Kyle Freese, Martin Glick, Jenna King,
Cole Kindred, Alex Linares, Ashlyn Scruggs, Chenille Hubner,
Samantha Johnson, Noah Morgan, Stephanie Parrott, Selena Queszada,
Trent Whitham
Fifth grade – Christian Anderson, Bailey Camp, Aron
Hopp, Kyle Ramlow, Carrissa Richmond, Breanna Shutt, Desiree
Theobald, Garrett Aeilts, Rebecca Brooks, K.J. Fry, Cooper Hake,
Hannah Koeppen, Ethan Kubat, Kalliegh Rogers, Ty Whitetree
Third grade – Ryan Boyd, Alana Cosby, Brayden
Hunter, Joshua Linares, Shannon Rahn, Kevin Rhoades, Lilly Alsup,
Luke Bennett, Jason Beverman, Hunter Cooper, Ashtin Grigg, Michael
Quarrell, Bradley Rahn
Fourth grade - Taylor Albertson, Lindsey Myers,
Isabelle Robbins, Brock Laubenstein, Bree Maricle, Tyler Albertson,
Austin Gray
Fifth grade – Jordan Hobbs, Jakota Phillips, Nate
Richardson, Hayden Slater, Hayley Barton, Trevor Beavers, Jayden
Miljkovich, Bailey Tieman
B.U.G. (Bringing Up Grades) – Jatrell Belt, Briona
Brown, Stephanie Smith, Alex Hess
College Plans Red Cross Blood Drive. Lincoln College is hosting
an American Red Cross blood drive on Monday, April 27, at the
Meyer-Evans Student Center on the campus of Lincoln College.
The blood drive will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,
and the last appointment taken will be at 3:45 p.m.
Diane Stephenson, blood drive chair and campus
nurse, hopes to see as many people there as possible. "There is
always a need for blood and I hope to see our students, faculty and
community members participate in this drive. I am thankful for those
who continually give and encourage those who haven't to perhaps
consider giving it a try," said Stephenson.
To set up an appointment or for more information,
call Stephenson at 735-5050, ext. 340.
Got a good piece of news, information or
something that we can all brag about? If you do, e-mail Mike and let
us tell everyone about it. Plus you can win cash. Every submission,
whether we use it or not, will get your name in the "Close Up" grab
bag. At the end of the month we will draw a name and someone will
get $25 just for dropping us an e-mail. If you wish, we will be
happy to donate your winnings to the organization of your choice.
You can contact Mike at