Bright's rebellion against his party's agenda illustrates the trade-offs that Democrats face in reaching into conservative strongholds like the Deep South to build their majorities in Washington.
During the first few months of the Obama administration, the new House members that Democrats worked so hard to elect in recent years have been among the least loyal with their votes. Of the 20 Democrats who voted against the party's $3.6 trillion budget, for example, 12 were elected during the Democrats' resurgence in the past two elections. According to a Washington Post votes database, nine of the 10 Democrats with the most independent voting records are freshmen or second-termers.
So far, the newcomers haven't caused Pelosi too much heartache; her majority is big enough to withstand sacrificing a few votes here and there. But as Congress moves on to contentious issues such as health care, immigration and the environment, the new players could become key brokers in what Pelosi can deliver.

They also can air their differences publicly and undermine the party's message, as two-term Democrat Heath Shuler of North Carolina did in February when he said Pelosi wasn't pursuing the bipartisan compromise for which President Barack Obama called in his campaign.
Democrats gained a total of 55 House seats in the last two elections, including 24 in November. Many of the gains came in Republican-leaning districts in states like Alabama, Virginia, and Arizona that would probably balk at more liberal representation.
Rep. Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland Democrat who runs the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said the party understands the position that new members are in and is willing to allow them broad independence.
"They understand the majority of the caucus' views on these things, but it's left to them to determine what's in the best interests of their constituents," Van Hollen said, echoing similar comments from Pelosi.

"If you had tighter margins it obviously makes it more difficult," Van Hollen added. But "right now we are very focused on issues that tend to bring the Democratic caucus together."
The party's more liberal wing doesn't necessarily share the "big tent" philosophy.
Groups such as Accountability Now and Campaign for America's Future plan to target Democrats who they believe are out of step with Democratic momentum.