Ziemann told investigators she met the man online through Craigslist, fell in love and paid for his use of a room at the motel for the past two months. She said she gave him about $3,000. Then last Wednesday, she learned from the man's wife that he was married, had other girlfriends and was "using them for money." She expected the money to be repaid, according to the documents. During Thursday's confrontation with the man, Ziemann told investigators Sewell asked him, "Which one do you love more?" and the man's wife made a derisive remark about him being scared. The man got free from the bed by chewing through one of his bindings, went outside and borrowed a telephone from the motel owner to call police. Ziemann and Belliveau are sisters and Belliveau didn't do anything wrong, Sewell said Monday. "She was just there for moral support. She wasn't even dating the guy. She stood at the door the whole time and didn't participate or nothing." Ziemann's husband answered the telephone at their home and declined comment. There was no telephone listing for Belliveau. The man had no telephone listing in Fond du Lac.
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