However, we do hope that all of you realize that for our community
to thrive, we all need to think of helping all of the county's
merchants and retailers have an "in the black" season.LDN has
been privileged this past year to be on hand for hundreds of
community fundraisers. It has been our delight to bring those events
to all of you in either story form, pictorial or both.
In our travels we saw many a pamphlet, booklet, brochure or
calendar that helped all of the great causes have success. In all
cases we saw that it was area merchants, retailers and businesses
that either by advertising or donating helped those fundraisers
achieve their financial goals.

In most cases we saw merchants and store employees also giving of
their time and money to be a part of these special events. They did
so happily, as they understand how their support within the
community makes this such a great place to live.
It is now time to say thank you in return.
The community is blessed to have so many merchants who willingly
and generously support our many endeavors. These businesses,
however, can't help if they do not receive our patronage in return.
We feel it is important to remember that it wasn't the stores in
those out-of-town shopping malls that provided funds by way of
sponsorships and donations for local groups and events. It wasn't an
online retailer half a continent away who asked, "What can we do to
[to top of second column] |
 In this community, our strength comes out of the generosity of
our local businesses. It was and always has been the local
businesses that have supported our endeavors.
For this reason, we believe that during this holiday season it is
again time to say, "Thank you!" through our purchases.
We are not so naïve to think that everything that everyone is
looking to buy this holiday season can be found down the block. But
a great deal can, and we encourage everyone to shop locally as much
as you possibly can.
Come next year when you look to merchants to again help you, will
you be a stranger who only walks inside their doors when you want a
donation? Or will you be able to say, "Remember me? I am one of your
frequent patrons."
Christmas is a time of giving. It is our turn to give back to all
the great businesses in this community that deserve our thanks and
Shop Logan County: It helps everyone.
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