Conley put a plastic bag over his brother's head, secured it with black electrical tape, and dragged the body by its feet down steps to the basement and then from the home to his car. Conley struck Conner's head on the ground several times before putting the body in the trunk of the car. With the body still in the trunk, Conley drove to his girlfriend's house and gave her a sweetheart ring. Negangard said he will consider seeking the maximum prison term of life without parole. Conley's age makes him ineligible for the death penalty. "I believe Andrew Conley is a dangerous person," Negangard said. Conley also told investigators that on the morning of Conner's death, he stood over his sleeping father with a knife and thought about killing him. Conley went to police Sunday night, admitted killing Conner and told investigators where to find the body. The teen had no juvenile record and his teachers considered him a good student, Negangard said. "This kid, Conner, was a good kid, and Andrew was an A and B student," he said.
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