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Friday, March 19, 2010

Get Ready

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-The Word of God came to John son of Zechariah in the wilderness. He went into all the region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”-Luke 3: 2-3

So you have family coming over and you are nervous. It is the first time they have visited your house in some time and they chose to do it this Christmas. They have been on your mind since they told you they wanted to come for Christmas and now it is December and you are nowhere near ready. You haven’t purchased their presents yet because you just have no idea what would be right for them. The house is clean but it isn’t clean yet. And Christmas dinner, what about that? Is Aunt Susan allergic to peanuts? You can’t quite remember. And isn’t it her son, Tom, who hates Turkey and loves ham, or is it the opposite? You aren’t quite sure and you are too embarrassed to ask. In short, Christmas is coming and you just aren’t ready.

Now you know what John the Baptist was trying to do. He was trying to instill that sense of urgency in all who heard him preach. “Get ready,” he shouted, “because company is coming and you don’t want your house to be a mess. Get ready.” As we think about the coming celebration of Christ’s birth we would be wise to have the same sense of urgency in our lives that we would have if long unseen but beloved family members were coming to our home. We should be getting ready. Advent, the time prior to Christmas, is the season to take inventory of our lives. Have I been as faithful as I could have been? Should I get re-involved at church? What has happened to my prayer life? Maybe I should give Jesus another chance in my life. These thoughts and questions, not worries over money and gifts and time, should be at the fore of our minds this holiday season. Listen to John preach and get ready. Company is coming and we will all want to be ready to receive him.

[Jo Hilliard, LDN Spiritual Life Editor]



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