The Killeen Furtney Group was ending its free representation after receiving at least 100 graphic e-mailed threats and swarms of nasty voicemails that went to the Los Angeles agency and even to some of its other clients, Killeen said.
Some messages threatened Suleman but others were aimed at her spokespeople.
"They'd put me in the wood chipper and throw me in the bottom of the ocean and hope I die," Killeen said.
"We've gotten her through the worst part of it and now they are putting their venom and anger toward us," Killeen said.
Word that the 33-year-old single unemployed mother is receiving public assistance to care for the 14 children she conceived through in vitro fertilization has stoked furor among many people.
West Los Angeles police are investigating the threats.

"We've never had a public reaction to us representing a client pro bono like this, ever," Killeen said.
Suleman, who gave birth last month, is living at an undisclosed location. She has set up a Web page to accept donations to help the octuplets, who remained hospitalized.
Meanwhile, Killeen said Suleman told her that she had reached an exclusive representation deal with Yoder.
His Ambassador Agency, Inc., bills itself as the oldest Christian-based talent agency in the United States.
The agency, which has a Nashville mailing address and a street address in Franklin, Tenn., promotes speaking engagements, publicity and media deals for clients.