As of Feb. 11, the Republican candidate for city clerk of Lincoln
on the April 7 consolidated election ballot filed a withdrawal of
candidacy. The withdrawal of the Republican candidate necessitates
action by the Republican Central Committee to fill the vacancy.
Therefore, the Republican precinct committeemen in the city of
Lincoln have the duty to nominate a replacement candidate. The
nomination must be made within eight days of the date of the
withdrawal and be filed promptly with the Logan County clerk and
recorder, the election authority.
The individual chosen to fill this vacancy will run unopposed as
the Republican candidate for the office of city clerk for the city
of Lincoln in the April 7 consolidated election and assume the
duties of the office the first Monday in May.
The Republican committeemen within the city of Lincoln are
accepting resumes of possible candidates for nomination. Candidates
must have resided within the city limits of Lincoln for a minimum of
one year. Anyone interested in this position may submit a resume to
any city precinct committee member.
Precincts included are East Lincoln 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11 and 12 and West Lincoln 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
For a complete job description, along with salary information, go
to and click on "City Code," then "Title 1
-- Administration" (or
click here).
To view a list of Republican committeemen, go to
[Text from file received from Jeff
Short, chairman, Logan
County Republican Central Committee] |
