After months of reading, listening and
watching Tuesday is Primary Election Day. It's your opportunity to
choose the next leader for Lincoln.
Because there are no Democrat or Independent candidates yet filed
the Republican primary will, in essence, be the election. Your vote
is crucial. Please make it count.
I'm asking for your vote on Tuesday. I've laid out my vision for
our community and three detailed steps for us to get there. If we
work together I know we can Energize Economic Development, Elevate
Community Pride, and Engage the Future.
I have released detailed platform papers on each of these issues
that have already been posted on this "Where They Stand" site. They
can also be found on my website:
. Just as
a quick summary here are the highlights below.
"Energize Economic Development"
I. Convene an Economic Development Summit to lay out an economic
blueprint for the City.
The city needs to convene an Economic Development Summit. It will
be a focused, facilitated one-day session to share perspectives and
dreams, to identify ways to attack growth collaboratively, and to
identify steps to enhance economic opportunity in Lincoln.

II. Be strategic in attracting new economic opportunities and
growing our own jobs.
Lincoln can't just sit back and wait for whatever comes
economically. We need a strategy for the type of businesses and
opportunities we want to attract as well as a strategy to promote
the entrepreneurial dreams of our citizens.
III. Take a team approach to implementing growth strategies.
Meaningful and successful economic strategies will require the
city to work together as a team, with others externally and with
itself internally.
"Elevate Community Pride"
I. Start the "Great Lincoln Clean-Up"
We need to start the "Great Lincoln Clean-Up," an annual event
held each spring to spruce up, clean up, and refresh our community.
II. Create strategic, cost-effective beautification plans
The "Great Lincoln Clean-Up" will provide a boost of energy and
cooperation each spring to tidy up our city, but we also need to
develop affordable and strategic plans to beautify our downtown,
city parks, streets, and neighborhoods.
III. Mobilize our greatest source of pride, our young people, to
use their creativity and energy to solve city problems
We should engage our greatest source of pride in this community,
our young people, by establishing a Lincoln Youth Council to
mobilize our youth and utilize their energy, creativity, and dreams.