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Real Estate [see
Publisher's Notice
185 Half Moon, Lincoln
Build equity quickly in this three bedroom ranch in
Mayfair Subdivision. Hardwood flooring, attached garage
and lovely back yard! Needs your TLC. $79,900
Sale: 856 1850th St., Lincoln. Located just five minutes from town,
on approximately 1 & 1/2 acres in West Lincoln-Broadwell School
District! Three bedroom, one story farm house with great country view
all around. Central air conditioning and garage. $80,000
1258 Lakeview Drive. Totally remodeled-just completed. Complete new
kitchen with maple toffee cabinets, new stainless steel appliances,
ceramic flooring and track lighting. New plumbing, electrical, new roof.
Stone front exterior and covered patio/porch. Great room/dining room has
vaulted ceiling. Hardwood and ceramic flooring throughout. All new
bathrooms. Lower level family room. Remodeled and constructed by DeSign-It
131 Keokuk Street
Good starter. This is a cute gingerbread home with large rooms. Nice
size fenced yard. Large oversize garage that can be heated if need be.
Corner lot. Drive on northwest side goes with this home. New furnace.
2200th Ave, Chestnut - Tasteful log home on 10
expansive acres has been recently updated throughout. Property also
includes a huge barn / machine shed with a 2 bedroom guest apartment –
truly your own private world! Call Connie 217-796-3356
Eaton - Quality Brick Ranch - You’ll find sparkling hardwood
floors, a newer kitchen & bath, newer Anderson windows on a tree-shaded
corner lot. This home has been lovingly maintained. Call Dale
209 S Gillett, Elkhart.
Three bedrooms plus
library/study, in-ground pool and bathhouse, exceptional home
decorated to perfection. Recent roof, HVAC, appliances,
windows. See more at www.SharonOakes.com, listing #284026. Call
Sharon, 652-7580, or Cal, 652-6558, or e-mail
for appointment to view home. $160,000 pictures and visual tour
on Web Re/Max Professionals.