you are like me, you probably weren’t too glad on this day. I woke
up to subzero temperatures here in Lincoln, where they are supposed
to remain all day. Nothing to celebrate there. My front door is
frozen, my car is creaking and my floor is freezing cold. I have to
wear long underwear because of the cold so my skin is extra dry and
itchy. The large boots that keep my feet dry and warm are also heavy
and cumbersome. It is not a great day. And yet the psalmist does not
qualify his words. He doesn’t say, “this is the day the Lord has
made, rejoice and be glad when it turns out well.” No, he says the
opposite. He makes his claim universal. Every day comes from the
Lord and every single day is a gift.
This is an important reminder on the frosty days, the dark days, the
sad days, the hard days. Even when we find life challenging, even
when we have suffered loss, or are afraid or even shivering under
blankets, we are enjoying a day of God’s creation. Each day there is
reason to rejoice because the rising sun always bears with it he
promise of God’s kingdom and a reminder that God is with you today.
So on this frigid midwinter day, I invite you to live this day with
gladness and joy; gladness that the sun is shining and the trees are
beautiful and joy that God is here, working in this world. Every day
is a gift from God. I have a hunch that somewhere in those words is
the key to life. Prayer: Holy God, thank your for this
day. Please help me to find joy and gladness today that I might be
grateful for this gift. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
[Text from file received by Phil Blackburn]
