"I want to provide health care to my employees," said Maryland small-business owner Mark Derbyshire in one TV ad. "They deserve it. But it's getting harder and harder and harder to do." Derbyshire owns a moving and storage company started by his father in 1956. He employs 35 workers in Aberdeen, Md., and covers all of them and their families. But he said he will soon give in to financial pressure and offer only individual coverage, not family coverage, to new hires. "My role is to tell how serious it is," he told The Associated Press. "There's not a businessman out there who would disagree that the employer-based health coverage system is collapsing." In Maine, Douglas' wife, Pam, is a waitress, lobster supplier and seller of Christmas wreaths. Like others in their coastal community, she and Greg work several jobs to make ends meet. "We're working people. We don't expect someone to give us something," she said. They have health insurance through the hotel and restaurant company that employs her as a waitress. But the company changed insurance carriers recently and one carrier balked at paying Greg's claim for 29 days in the hospital after the truck accident, leaving the couple owing $165,000. "So the town put on this benefit," Pam Douglas said. "They planned this big benefit dinner and they put posters out everywhere." It was difficult for the couple to accept charity, but they were touched by the support. "Nobody had ever seen so many people. The lines were out to the road," she said. "I just cried the whole time." "We should not have to be begging for health care in this country," said Arlene Holt Baker, executive vice president of the AFL-CIO. The union recently collected 6,000 stories of personal health care experiences from people who took an online survey. Some of them went to Washington last week to lobby Congress. "The stories are what moves people," Holt Baker said. "This is the way we'll get this health care reform we so desperately need." ___ On the Net: Faces of Government Healthcare:
http://www.facesofgovernmenthealthcare.com/ Begging for Change: Organizing for America:
http://stories.barackobama.com/healthcare/ Families USA: http://www.familiesusa.org/
Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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