March 18, 2009


Terry Storer 			Shana Bean			Barb Kline		
Cheryl Hedrick			Bob Thomas			Ed Houchins
Devin Vannoy			Nick Hanson			Ed Baunach
Donald Begolka			Margie Harris			Terry Carlton
Andy Dexter			Anthony Doll			Teresa Doll
Patti Storer			Mike Geriets			Brandon Storer
Steve Siltman
The meeting was held at the Logan County Safety Complex with lunch provided.

Barb Kline called the meeting to order.  Introductions made.  Ed Baunach made motion
to accept the minutes from the last meeting, Bob Thomas 2nd.  Motion carried.

Terry Storer gave an update on the progress of the EOC remodeling including the
multi-panel visual display, cell phone amplifier, and temporarily using the backup
when needed.  He also explained CAFO which the state has delegated LEPC to oversee
the reporting.  This is the reporting of animal waste and the amount of ammonia and
hydrogen sulfide released.    He said that there’s about 4 large farms in Logan County
that will need to report.  He’s also received 34 Tier Reports to date.  He described
the Future Grant funding and the FEMA Grants program.  The Hazardous Mitigation
Committee and the EOC Management Team can take their IEMA training online now at
iema.illinois.gov/Training/OnLineReg.  There will be a lot of training coming up
in the next few months.  The first will be the annual Weatherspotters class on
March 31st at 6:30 pm at the Lincoln Christian Fellowship Hall.  On April 20th & 22nd
the Haz Mat Awareness required 8-hour class will be from 8 pm to 10 pm in the Blue Room.
The Haz Mat Refresher Class will be held April 21st from 6 pm to 10 pm in the Blue Room.
The EOC Management Operations Course will be for 3 days beginning April 27th through
the 29th in the Blue Room from 8 am to 4 pm.  The third day of that class will be the
ICS/EOC interface.  Prerequisites are ICS 100 & 200.  The list of ICS classes taken can
be found online at training.fema.gov/is/crslist.asp.  The Homeland Security
ExerciseProgram will be on May 14th & 15th from 8am to 5pm in the Blue Room.  ICS 120
is required, but can be taken on line (hseep.dhs.gov).  The LEPC conference will held
in Rockford in May, which Mike Patridge and Dan Fulscher have registered to go to it.


Barb Kline stated that LEPC dates of June 17th & Sept 16th were available if any group
would like to host a meeting.  The meeting in December would be held again in the
Blue Room of the Safety Complex.
RECORDING SECRETARY NOTE:  After the meeting, the Health Department will be hosting
the June meeting and Lincoln Rural Fire will host the September meeting.

Election of Officers for Vice President and Secretary were held.  Devin Vannoy made
nomination of Terry Storer for Secretary.  Bob Thomas 2nd.  Bob Thomas made nomination
of Barb Kline for Vice President, Margie Harris 2nd.  Steve Siltman made motion to
close nominations, Nick Hanson 2nd.  Nominations closed.  Vote taken.  Nominations

Barb Kline gave Margie Harris the award for LEPC Member of the Year.

Terry Carlton thanked everyone on behalf of the County Board for all the hard work
the organization and departments do.

Ed Houchins moved to adjourn.   Don Begolka 2nd.

Respectfully submitted,
Cheryl Hedrick, Recording Secretary
[Copied from file received from the Logan County Emergency Telephone System Board]