
It was an assorted crew that walked the
streets of Lincoln Saturday morning. From Cinderella to Dracula and
scarecrows to vampires, this bunch had one goal in mind: CANDY!

And local merchants such as Larry and Helen
Rainforth of Abe's Carmelcorn were happy to oblige. |

The Alley-Bi Saloon suffered a great loss this
week. Kate Rutherford said that the business decided to go ahead and
participate in the trick-or-treat event in honor and loving memory
of Rickey "Gumbo" Garrett. |

At Mary Todd Lincoln Hallmark, young Tonya
Tarter chose to pass out treats rather than receive them. She was
assisted by her mom, Julie. |

What can put a smile on a little devil's face?
A bag of candy, compliments of the downtown Lincoln merchants and
Mayor Keith Snyder.

The parade ended at City Hall, where the mayor
passed out candy. Then there was the drawing for "Main Street Money."
The $5 certificate could be spent at any of the participating


Trick-or-treaters stand in line to have their
bags of treats "topped off" by the mayor

Perhaps the cleverest disguise of all. While
Eyore's eyes are wide open, the tiny tot inside is sound asleep.
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