Meanwhile, militants blew up a girls' school in the Khyber tribal region early Thursday, said local administrator Ghulam Farooq Khan. No one was injured in the explosion, the latest in a long series of attacks against schools, particularly those for girls. The Taliban is deeply opposed to Western-style education. It was the second destruction of a school in that area this week. Elsewhere, security forces arrested eight Iranians and were interrogating them in connection with a suicide attack last month in Iran, an intelligence official said. Five of those arrested have been named by the Iranian government as suspects in the attack, said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media. Earlier, Ejaz Ahmed Buzdar, the top administrative official in the Makran division of Pakistan's Balochistan state, said three Iranians had been arrested. Makran extends to the Iranian border.
The Oct. 18 bombing killed 15 members of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guard. Iranian officials have blamed a rebel group known as Jundallah, or Soldiers of God, in the attack. Iran's president has publicly accused Pakistan's intelligence service of supporting Jundallah, raising tensions between the two neighbors.
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