The other tax credit allows businesses that have lost money in 2008 or 2009 to get refunds on taxes paid on profits during the five previous years. The Senate spent more than a month crafting the package and working out partisan fights over amendments, angering lawmakers and others who pointed out that 7,000 people lose their unemployment benefits every day. The National Employment Law Project estimated that 600,000 workers exhausted their benefits in September and October while Congress debated the legislation. The lead sponsor of the bill in the House, Rep. Jim McDermott, D-Wash., reminded lawmakers that they'll have to revisit the issue again before adjourning for the year. The bill applies to benefits exhausted this year, and "Congress must act again before the end of this year to continue the extended unemployment benefits that we are now improving." The more than $21 billion cost of the tax credits would be paid for largely by delaying a tax break for multinational companies that pay foreign taxes. The cost of the unemployment benefit extension, about $2.4 billion, is offset by extending a federal unemployment tax that employers must pay.
___ The bill is
H.R. 3548. ___ On the Net: Congress: http://thomas.loc.gov/
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