Those eligible may obtain this vaccine free of charge at the health
department Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. until 4 p.m., without an
appointment."Certain people are at higher risk of complications
due to the novel H1N1 flu, and others work with populations at risk
of complications, so we ask you to allow these people to receive
their novel H1N1 flu vaccine first," said Mark Hilliard,
administrator of the health department.
The CDC has said injectable vaccines, approved for all
populations except those with contraindications, will begin being
shipped next week.
To stay healthy and limit the spread
of flu, remember the three "C's":
CLEAN -- Wash your
hands often.
COVER -- Cover
your cough and sneeze.
CONTAIN -- Contain your germs. Stay
home if you are sick.
[Text from file received from
Logan County Department
of Public Health] |
