The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency will be at the
meeting, as well as members of the
Peoria Disposal Co., which has applied for the special permit.
It will be a question-and-answer format. WATCH, a Clinton-based
coalition with the acronym representing We're Against Toxic
Chemicals, wanted a formal hearing with sworn testimony rather than
another Q-and-A.
WATCH believes using a portion of the Clinton Landfill for the
storage of toxic PCBs could result in the pollution of the Mahomet
Aquifer and the area's drinking water supply. WATCH believes turning
a portion of the Clinton Landfill into a toxic waste dump is not
only a very bad idea, but also presents an unacceptable health risk
to the public, and it is opposed for that reason in addition to
concerns related to airborne contamination, transportation of the
waste to the landfill and potential for contamination of nearby
Illinois waterways such as Salt Creek, which runs by the site.
In April, IEPA officials reported they found no technical reasons
to reject a plan to store the chemical wastes at the site.
Following the Nov. 3 meetings, there will be a 30-day public
comment period. The IEPA is required to make a decision on the
permit by Dec. 22.
[Text from
