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Friday, September 04, 2009

Labor Day

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[September 04, 2009]   -- "But those who turn aside to their own ways the Lord will lead away with evildoers."-Psalm 125: 5

There are two paths that life offers to us, the Lord's way and our way.  That is pretty much it.  Did you know that before Christianity became Christianity it was called the Way?  If you go back and read Acts you will see Luke consistently referencing the Way, and that is Christianity.  Each and every morning the day greets us with two paths, our way and the Lord's Way, and usually the two are pretty clear.  The Lord's Way is the way of faith, hope and love.  It is the way that requires self sacrifice and promises joy.  We know this path and it is certainly the harder of the two.

Which is what makes our way so attractive. Our way, the way the psalmist writes about, is the easy way and it is pretty appealing because, well, it's ours.  Our way is all about us.  It is about our wants, our desires, our goals.  It is about us and what do we love more than us?  But the problem with our way is that it is littered with evildoers, the people the psalmist references.  You know these people.  They are the people who tell you to have it your way, just do it, etc...They reaffirm your way, tell you that you are wasting your time by doing anything but making yourself happy.  But you know, deep down, that this way is not the way.  So on this bright, shiny, late summer day I encourage you to ask yourself, which way did you walk this morning?  Which path are you on?  The Way of the Lord is not an easy way but it is the best way, best for us and best for those around us. 

Prayer:  Holy God, help me to walk in your Way, guide my steps that I might follow and serve and worship you through all of my days.  In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

[text from file received by Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian Church]


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