Friday, September 11, 2009
sponsored by Graue Inc.

Volunteers encouraged to sign up soon for Together for Lincoln

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[September 11, 2009]  With approximately 100 projects and nearly 1,000 volunteers expected, Together for Lincoln organizers are encouraging volunteers to sign up as soon as possible for the Sept. 27 community service day.

While there is no official deadline for volunteers to sign up, those who sign up early will be more likely to serve in an area of their choosing. Some of the areas of service are carpentry, painting, cleaning and visiting area nursing home residents.

Those who wish to volunteer may sign up at the State Bank of Lincoln Walmart branch, Action Rental or by downloading a volunteer application from

While the application deadline for service projects was Aug. 29, the Together for Lincoln organizers will still accept applications. However, late applications will get second priority to those that were turned in on time and may not be completed on the Sept. 27 project date. 

Together for Lincoln is also hosting a communitywide worship service at 7 p.m. on Sept. 27. Last year's service drew nearly 1,000 people. Everyone in the community is welcome to attend, even if they are not planning to volunteer for the service projects. 

[Text from file received from Dustin Fulton]

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