The proposal by Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus "will move this historic debate forward," House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, although she quickly added that Baucus' plan was less desirable than a bill taking shape in the House.
Other Democrats were less enthusiastic, and not a single Republican announced support when Baucus introduced the measure Wednesday after months of closed-door talks and numerous missed deadlines.
A vote in the Finance Committee could occur as early as next week, and Majority Leader Harry Reid intends to begin debate on the Senate floor as early as late this month or early October. The House also is aiming for action this fall.
The hope is to meet Obama's goal of signing legislation this year. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called Baucus' plan overall an "important building block" that "gets us closer to comprehensive health care reform."

To help keep the overhaul on track, Obama was to hold a campaign-style rally Thursday at the University of Maryland, appear on five Sunday morning talk shows and visit David Letterman's late-night show Monday on CBS.
"We cannot let this opportunity pass," Baucus, D-Mont., said as he outlined his $856 billion plan, designed to protect millions of Americans who have unreliable insurance or no coverage at all while restraining the explosive growth of medical costs.
Congressional budget experts estimate the proposal would reduce the ranks of the uninsured by 29 million over a decade, and trim federal deficits by $49 billion over the same period. Many of the bill's major provisions would be delayed until 2013.
Baucus' legislation reflected nearly a year of preparation, a partially successful attempt to gain support from outside interest groups and months of painstaking negotiations with two other Democrats and three Republicans on the Finance Committee
- the so-called Gang of Six.
But when Baucus stood in front of the cameras Wednesday, he was alone. Republicans withheld their support, claiming the measure was still too costly and intrusive, and liberals reacted bitterly, too, saying it didn't go far enough to make health insurance affordable for lower-income people. Others said the middle class would take a hit.
"Many middle-class people would pay more than they are paying today and would face the prospects of a penalty if they don't comply," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., a member of the Finance Committee who wasn't involved in the negotiations.
Not carrying insurance could result in a steep fine under Baucus' bill, as much as $3,800 per family, or $950 for an individual. People who can't afford their premiums would be exempted from the fine.
Wyden said he would try to amend the bill to make it more affordable to the middle class, one of a host of amendments sure to be offered from both sides in the Finance Committee next week. Another worry for some lawmakers, including Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.Va., is that a proposed new tax on high-value insurance plans would hurt middle-class workers, particularly union members with generous benefits packages.