Finance Committee Republican Orrin Hatch of Utah was asked on his way out of a meeting with Baucus and others on the committee whether he'd heard anything to lessen his opposition. "Actually I've got even more concerns," Hatch said, contending that the cost of the bill would end up being much greater than the $856 billion over 10 years that Baucus has cited. Hatch noted that the cost was kept down partly by limiting to one year an expensive fix to avoid scheduled payment cuts to doctors under Medicare. That change is made permanent in the House Democrats' health legislation, which carries a much heftier price tag over $1 trillion. "There are a lot of things that just bother me to death about the approach that they're taking," Hatch said. Nonetheless, the release of the bill put new momentum behind Obama's push for a health care overhaul, and Democratic leaders in the House and Senate hope to move to floor action in the fall. Obama himself pumped up the plan at a rally at the University of Maryland on Thursday, and is set to appear on Sunday talk shows to push for action. "There's now agreement in Congress on about 80 percent of what needs to be done," Obama told the crowd. That last 20 percent could still be tough.
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