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The nation's weather

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[September 18, 2009]  (AP)  The weather across the nation was forecast to remain relatively stagnant Friday as not much was to change in the overall pattern. 

InsuranceThe Southeast would continue to see showers and thunderstorms with some briefly heavy downpours, with the most intense precipitation falling from around the Mississippi River to the Southeast coast. Forecasters said a few stronger thunderstorms in the region could create some damaging winds or hail, and the storms would all contain frequent lightning.

The Northeast would see diminished cloud cover and temperatures would warm up substantially into the upper 60s to mid-70s for most locations. Clear conditions were expected to remain in place westward as well, with blue skies anticipated over the Great Lakes and into the northern high Plains.

The West would also see crystal clear skies Friday as high pressure built into the region. This ridge would also send temperatures soaring, especially in California where highs would rise well above normal. Late in the evening, a cold front was expected to approach the West Coast, bringing cooler temperatures and a few clouds to the Northwest. The front would not penetrate far inland though, and temperatures would begin to rise again Saturday afternoon and peak sometime over the next week.

Temperatures in the Lower 48 states Thursday ranged from a low of 28 degrees at Houlton, Maine, to a high of 106 degrees at Palm Springs, Calif.


On the Net:

Weather Underground:

National Weather Service:


[Associated Press article from Weather Underground]

Copyright 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.




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