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[April 20, 2010]
--"As Jesus came near and saw
the city, he wept over it, saying, ''If you, even you, had only
recognized on this day the things that make for peace!'"-Luke 19:
Would you even know peace if you saw it? It seems that peace has
become a stranger in this land over recent years. As wars began
abroad so too did the partisan wars of our political and cultural
landscape escalate. Now we have reached the point where hatred and
vitriol are so pervasive that it feels impossible to even have civil
conversations anymore.
A couple of weeks ago I accompanied the visioning council of the
presbytery to Bradley University where we met with some students to
ask them about issues of faith and church. One thing that became
quickly apparent was that they were not shy about speaking about
faith, but they were scared. Each of the students in my small group
recounted instances where the sharing of faith or belief or even
doubt had led to a heated argument that they did not want. Each of
them were interested in speaking about faith and doubt, but they had
become scared of bringing it up. How many of us are the same, scared
to speak about politics or faith for fear of the reactions that we
will receive? We are not just at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, we are
at war here too. And this war could very well see the end of civic
dialogue in our nation.
But if this is to happen then we, as Christians, must not be party
to it. Jesus, you see, was all about peace. In his life we see all
the things that make for peace and these same attitudes and
attributes can bring peace to our own relationships and even our own
nation. Love of enemy and friend, compassion for those in need,
outreach to those on the fringes of society, honesty in our words
and deeds. These are the seeds of peace and the foundation for
peaceful relationships.
As Christians we must always seek peace in our conversations and
dialogues and we should create a safe harbor amidst the tumultuous
political sea around us for people to come and speak without fear of
anger, rage or name-calling. So lets allow the pundits to scream
away on television and the politicians to call each other nazis, and
let's step back. Let's treat those who disagree with us with dignity
and respect and speak to them with peace in our hearts. Let us show
the world the things that make for peace in the name of he who came
for peace.

Prayer: Holy God, help me to be a peacemaker. Help me to
be open and honest in my conversations and to respect others even as
I might disagree with them. I pray in the name of Jesus the Christ.
[Phil Blackburn, First Presbyterian Church]