Syngenta is a leading manufacturer of agricultural herbicides,
including the widely used Halex GT, which is a product designed for
use on Roundup Ready corn.The company has teamed up with
Feeding America, formerly
known as America's Second Harvest, taking the truck across the
nation, collecting food for the hungry.
According to a media release provided by Kroger, the truck would
remain in their parking lot on Monday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. and
again on Tuesday for the same amount of time. At the end of each
day, what is collected will be taken to one of the local food
pantries in Lincoln.

As an added benefit, those who stop by can look inside the
glass-walled truck and watch a robotic arm in action.
On the back of the truck are some stark realities: 1 in 8
households need help with food; in those households 37 percent are
children; and 8 percent of America's elderly are food-deprived.