Commercial Real Estate Auction
Thursday April 22, 2010

121 & 123 S. Sangamon Street
Lincoln IL
9) one & two bed, semi furnished apartments; 4360 sq.ft. ground floor
retail area; full basement; hot water heat; multiple ground level
TERMS: The above commercial real
estate is located; Lot 11, Block 14 in the original town of Lincoln,
Illinois County, Illinois. County Tax ID # 8-1160. Buyer to enter into a
written agreement requiring 10% of the purchase price down on the day of
the auction with the balance due upon delivery of deed on or before 30
days after the auction. The 2009 real estate taxes will be paid by the
Seller. The Buyer will be given credit at closing for a prorated share
of the 2010 real estate taxes payable. This property will be sold in an
“as is where is” condition. The seller reserves the right to accept or
reject any and all bids.
To schedule
an inspections appointment or inspect the Title Insurance information
please call (217) 519-3959.
State Bank of Lincoln, Owner
(217) 735-5551

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Nate Stuckey Benefit
Saturday April
24, 2010
6:00 p.m.
Community High School
1000 Primm
See story in

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Jerry & Dorothy DeWeese Moving Auction
Sunday May 02, 2010
#14 Lamplighter Circle, Mt. Pulaski, IL
(Lamplighter Circle is the first street in Country Place subdivision
north of Mt. Pulaski just of Rt. 121)
Jerry & Dorothy DeWeese have sold their home and have no need for the
below listed items.
AUTOMOBILE: 1991Mercury Capri
Convertible, VIN#6MPCG0128M8625201, 21,819 miles, automatic
transmission, silver w/black top
LAWN TRACTOR: John Deere 125
“Automatic” lawn tractor (2 seasons)
FURNITURE: (2) plaid, wingback, high
leg recliners; 6’ upholstered Lazy Boy sofa & matching settee (new); (2)
leather arm chairs; Stratford sofa w/chenille upholstery; wrought iron
stand w/green granite top; plated brass coat rack; glass top patio table
w/4 chairs; Brass étagère, w/matching 48” hex table and 22”x27” glass
top lamp table; segmented, beveled glass wall mirror Queen size bed
w/lighted bridge headboard; triple oak dresser and night stand; Blonde
oak dining room table, single pedestal base, two leaves with (6) teal
upholstered chairs; nice glass top wine table; dinette w/2 leaves & 6
rolling chairs; 48”x60” L. Reynolds signed painting
APPLIANCES: Kenmore heavy duty
washer & gas dryer; RCA 27” TV; Hoover upright vacuum
HOUSEHOLD: Pfaltzgraff (white) service
for 12 with additional pieces; several nice area rugs (one brand new);
Christmas decorations; 7’ lighted, artificial tree; oak fireplace
mantle; misc. sheets & bedding; nice place mats & table cloths; electric
cash register; 8’ artificial bamboo tree; Wards combination safe; Health
walker exercise machine; Triple Arcade basketball game; 3 story “Cub”
bird house; 8’ fiberglass step ladder; aluminum extension ladder; misc.
lawn & garden tools; battery lawn edger
Jerry & Dorothy DeWeese, Owners

TERMS: Cash or good negotiable check
payable on the day of the Auction. Registration video taped and a valid
photo ID is required to obtain a buyers number. Buyers must show
provided number for each and every purchase. Announcements sale day take
precedence over printed material. Not responsible for accidents or
property after sold. All items must be removed from the sale site on the
day of the Auction.